3rd November 2020

Register Opened for Applications (RISLI)

We are delighted to announce that the Register of Irish Sign Language Interpreters (RISLI) is open for applications to Irish Sign Language (ISL) interpreters to register. […]
12th October 2020

IRIS interpreters wanted

Irish Sign Language (ISL) / English Sign Language InterpretersSpecified Purpose Full or Half Time Positions in IRISto work remotely up to 30 June 2021 To support […]
18th June 2020

Irish Sign Language (ISL) / English Sign Language Interpreters Temporary Full or Half Time Positions (up to 31 Dec 2021)

Irish Sign Language (ISL) / English Sign Language Interpreters Temporary Full or Half Time Positions (up to 31 Dec 2021) Sign Language Interpreting Service The goal […]
27th January 2020

“HOW DO YOU LIKE TO BE FED?”: Successful Co-working for Interpreters

Interpreting from signed into spoken language and vice versa at length presents unique challenges. The success (or otherwise) of this kind of work can often be […]
19th December 2019

Sign Language Interpreting Service: Request for Tenders

Development and delivery of a training programme for Deaf Irish Sign Language interpreters Request for Tenders Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS) was established in 2007, through […]
13th December 2019

Update on the Register, December 2019

It has been a busy period for SLIS and the Quality Development Officer. As many of you will remember, we held a National Forum consultation meeting in […]
23rd August 2019

Panel of Irish Sign Language (ISL) / English Sign Language Interpreters for vacancies in SLIS / Irish Remote Interpreting Service (IRIS) 2019 /2020

Panel of Irish Sign Language (ISL) / English Sign Language Interpreters for vacancies in SLIS / Irish Remote Interpreting Service (IRIS) 2019 /2020 To support the […]
21st August 2019

IRIS Administrator – Part-time Fixed term contract

IRIS Administrator – Part-time Fixed term contract The Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS) is an independent body, funded and supported by the Citizens Information Board (CIB), […]
2nd August 2019

SLIS National Forum – Response Paper now available

[ISL interpretation of the English text:]   SLIS have developed a Response Paper to address feedback from our National Forum meeting on the 8th June. This […]