21st June 2023

Survey for Deaf ISL interpreters regarding IRIS Services for Marginalized Members of the Deaf Community in Ireland

SLIS invites all Deaf ISL Interpreters to participate in our short survey regarding potential team interpreting opportunities with the Irish Remote Interpreting Services’ (IRIS)’s new project. This project […]
9th January 2023

Irish Remote Interpreting Service (IRIS) is hiring a part-time IRIS Administrator – CLOSED

15th December 2022

Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS) is hiring Administrator Booking Officer

SLIS is hiring Administrator Booking Officer The Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS) is an independent body, funded and supported by the Citizens Information Board (CIB), to […]
6th May 2022

SLIS IS recruiting Irish Sign Language (ISL) / English Interpreters for the IRIS service

SLIS IS recruiting Irish Sign Language (ISL) / English Interpreters for the IRIS service The Role To support the expansion of the remote interpreting service IRIS […]
4th August 2021

Sign Language Interpreting Service welcomes New Chairperson Rónán Lowry

Sign Language Interpreting Service welcomes New Chairperson Rónán Lowry   Rónán Lowry has been appointed as the new Chairperson for the Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS). […]
27th July 2021

Sign Language Interpreting Services maintains a vital lifeline for Deaf citizens to including GP access, and Remote Interpreting

Sign Language Interpreting Services maintains a vital lifeline for Deaf citizens to including GP access, and Remote Interpreting “2020 was an extremely difficult year for all, […]
11th February 2021

Board member with Experience in the Deaf Community and/or Sign Language Interpreting

Board member with Experience in the Deaf Community and/or Sign Language Interpreting Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS) works to ensure that Deaf people can participate as […]
23rd December 2020

CIB and SLIS welcome the commencement of the Irish Sign Language Act 2017

CIB and SLIS welcome the commencement of the Irish Sign Language Act 2017. The Citizens Information Board (CIB) and the Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS) are […]
19th November 2020

Seeking Registration Panel Members

The Register of Irish Sign Language Interpreters (RISLI) is seeking expressions of interest from appropriate individuals, to form a Registration Panel for the new Register of […]