25th July 2024

SLIS is Hiring – SLIS Administrator Booking Officer, Permanent, Full-time / Half-time

22nd August 2023

SLIS is Hiring – Irish Remote Interpreting Service Administrator

The Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS) is an independent body, funded and supported by the Citizens Information Board (CIB), to develop, promote and deliver quality sign […]
15th August 2023

Request for Tenders for SLIS in Relation to Remote Interpreting Services for Marginalised Members of the Deaf Community in Ireland

Request for Tenders for SLIS in Relation to Remote Interpreting Services for Marginalised Members of the Deaf Community in Ireland Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS) is […]
19th July 2023

SLIS is Hiring – Sign Language Interpreting Services is hiring a Project Officer

The Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS) is an independent body, funded and supported by the Citizens Information Board (CIB), to develop, promote and deliver quality sign […]
30th June 2023

SLIS is Hiring – SLIS Administrator Booking Officer for Voucher Scheme 2023

The Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS) is an independent body, funded and supported by the Citizens Information Board (CIB), to develop, promote and deliver quality sign […]
21st June 2023

Survey for Deaf ISL interpreters regarding IRIS Services for Marginalized Members of the Deaf Community in Ireland

SLIS invites all Deaf ISL Interpreters to participate in our short survey regarding potential team interpreting opportunities with the Irish Remote Interpreting Services’ (IRIS)’s new project. This project […]