Easter opening hours
11th April 2019
SLIS Request For Tenders
31st May 2019

National Forum on developing a registration and quality assurance scheme for Irish Sign Language and Deaf interpreters in Ireland.

Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS) invites you to attend a National Forum on developing a registration and quality assurance scheme for Irish Sign Language and Deaf interpreters in Ireland. The forum will be an opportunity to review and give feedback on what kind registration scheme you would like.
· The Irish Government, through the National Disability Inclusion Strategy, has committed to resource to SLIS to set up this registration scheme.
· SLIS has been working with other stakeholders (Deaf community, interpreters and others) to develop an outline of how the register could work.
We would like your feedback on what you would like from a register?

The National Forum will provide information on developments so far and give a draft outline of how the register could work. There will be breakout consultation groups, where you can give your feedback on the register. Topics that will be discussed include, the registration process, the Complaints & Mediation process and the Code of Conduct.

· Where: Cabragh Hall, Deaf Village Ireland, Cabra, Dublin7

· Cost?: Free and a light lunch will be provided

· How to register?: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/slis-national-forum-tickets-61487280110

· For more information contact register@slis.ie
