CPD 2022
SLIS is running a brief CPD calendar from October 2022 – December 2022
Please keep an eye on the CPD and Resources tabs for more information
Importance of CPD
In order for Interpreters to stay on the register, the must complete a number of hours of CPD.
‘CPD can be gained through various ways:
- Structured CPD is a professional development designed to achieve a particular learning outcome (i.e. workshops, seminars, conferences)
- Unstructured CPD is a professional development that is not specifically designed or planned to achieve learning outcomes (i.e. reading, shadowing and informal meetings)
- Deaf Community Engagement (DCE) is defined as attendance at Deaf community events and activities to maintain and improve Irish Sign Language receptive and productive skills and broadening knowledge and familiarity with Irish Deaf culture, history and politics (i.e. social events, fundraising events, trips)
Registrants are required to complete a minimum number of hours for each CPD Cycle (12-month period from the date of registration). ‘
See more on CPD and staying on the Register of ISL Interpreters at RISLI.ie
CPD Calendar 2022
The Physical and Mental Self-Care CPD is a two hour presentation facilitated by Phil Greenfield. It will cover all aspects of self-care, including specific practices for Irish Sign Language Interpreters.
Physical and Mental Self-Care training is open to Registered ISL Interpreters only.
When and where?
5.30pm-7.30pm, Wednesday 26th of October via Zoom Webinar.
The Funeral CPD training will be facilitated by Frankie Berry both in Dublin and Cork. These sessions will have a practical element in which attendees will participate and will be able to expand their skills in this specific field.
Deaf interpreters who feel able and willing to interpret for funeral assignments arranged by SLIS are particularly welcome.
When and where?
6.00-9.00pm, Wednesday 2nd of November, Deaf Village Ireland.
1.00-4.00pm, Wednesday 9th of November, Cork Deaf Association.
SLIS is pleased to announce a full-day, in-person training on interpreting in Garda settings. this CPD training is facilitated by Dr. Robert Skinner.
This CPD training is open to registered ISL interpreters only.
When and where?
10.00am-5.00pm, Thursday 17th of November, Finglas Garda Station, Dublin 11.
SLIS extend their appreciation to An Garda Síochána for their support in organising this CPD training.
The Deaf-Blind interpreting session will be facilitated by Deirdre Leech and Frankie Berry. This CPD training is open to Deaf ISL interpreters only.
When and Where?
11.00am-4.30pm, Saturday 19th November, Deaf Village Ireland.
This practical CPD will be facilitated by Teresa Lynch and Tracey Daly. It is full day event focused on working as a team (Deaf and Hearing ISL interpreters) in medical and legal settings.
When and where?
11.00am-5.00pm, Saturday 3rd December, Deaf Village Ireland.